Gotham knights gameplay video is just amazing

Finally, Warner Bros Montreal gives us more information about Gotham Knights, with a 13 minutes gameplay video focusing on Nightwing and Red Hood.
More specific in the gameplay, we have the game director, Geoff Ellenor, who talks us through the gameplay video. The first thing we notice about Nightwing and Red Hood is their combat style. Nightwing’s combat style is acrobatic with abilities such as “Elemental Shockwave” and “Cryo Status” . On the other side, Red Hood has his weapons and a lot of cool abilities such as “Barrage” and “attach bomb” that explodes with a shot.
Last, we see the fast travel that heroes can do with the fast bat and the
augmented reality vision that helps heroes investigate and solves mysteries.
The Gotham knights will be released on PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC at 25 October 2022.